According to the latest information, Oppo Vivo, and Xiaomi 32 bit apps support will end soon. These changes will be applied from July 1.
If we consider the advancement in technology it’s non-benefit the Company. Processor and Operating are been developed on 64-bit architecture. Because of that, it is necessary to have compatible apps for better performance.
According to ITGSA, Xiaomi Oppo and Vivo are going to stop support for 32-bit apps and move on 64 bit. As we know Apple always sets an example in the market.

Apple already implemented this 64-bit policy and developing apps accordingly since 2015. Why should Android be left behind in the race? Android is one of the most known operating systems throughout the world.

From July 1, 2023
Mainstream app stores such as OPPO, Vivo, and Xiaomi will gradually clear apps that only support 32-bit.
From 2023
The new Arm architecture Android machine will only support 64-bit and no longer support the installation and use of 32-bit applications.
According to rumors, the upcoming Pixel 7 series will not be going to support 32-bit-based apps in the future. These changes will improve the performance and efficiency of the app usage.
Now we have to wait to know more about these changes coming in the future, for that connected with us.